The Sarasota Counseling Center
Sarasota, Florida
Sarasota, Florida
This was a remodel of a house offered by Sears Roebuck. It had gone to wrack and ruin and Dr. Livingston Otis wanted to buy it and turn it into his office. So, that is what happened. It was the first historic project in Sarasota and was given an award. Being first, we endured as they figured out in time what their laws dealing with historically designated properties were going to be. Dr. Otis, the contractor, and I were all quite proud of how this turned out.
The street elevation which faced north.
The condition of the eaves facing the street.
The condition of the front porch that faced the driveway.
The finished product from the street.
The finished product from the northwest, closer to the intersection of
Orange Avenue and Oak Street, the street on which this office sits.